We are specialists in the export and sale of miners from Brazil. Mainly gold ores.


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 * Price based on the Stock Exchange for the Future Value. We do not practice the above prices.

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Headquartered in the state of Pará – Brazil, PEMEX is a Brazilian company, specialized in foreign trade, we operate in the sale of ores abroad. We always work with the best prices.

We act as a link between Brazilian producers and importers from different countries. With specialized services and a team prepared to guide our customers and partners, with a strong commitment to valuing the producer and following the requirements of the international market, always respecting social, environmental and commercial standards.

Together with our partners, we use the best practices of security, compliance, logistics and customs clearance to streamline, and give conformity to exports, avoiding money laundering and evasion and always delivering the best product to importers.

To learn more about how to work or sell to Pemex, get in touch and ask our specialists for more information.

For the whole world

We export to several countries, always respecting local laws and socio-cultural factors


All of our operations undergo prior analysis to avoid evasion and money laundering


We operate with the sale of metallic ores from Brazil abroad. Below are some of the ores we sell.



Tin / Cassiterite


Niobium / Columbite

Manganese Ore


Brazil is one of the largest producers of raw materials in the world.

In 2018, around $ 218 billion USD was exported. Making Brazil one of the largest exporters in the world.


+55 93 9 9224-6190

Would you like to buy Brazilian ore from Pemex, but still have doubts?

Read our FAQ, or contact our specialized team and ask all your questions

What products can I import from Brazil, with Pemex?

Metal ores. Mainly gold. We are specialists in foreign trade in ores.

Our ores are in compliance with Brazilian tax, legal and environmental regulations.

What should the company in Brazil do to export legally?

In Brazil, any company that is preparing for the international market, will need to manage the following issues:

Tax – Issuance of invoices, having specific digital certificates for this issue, specific and complete accounting controls;

Operational – Qualification at the RADAR, issuing the DU-E (Single Export Declaration), Issuing Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Bill of Lading and Certificates of Origin;

Logistics / Customs – Take care of customs bureaucratic procedures, cargo loading, issuing documents and exchange obligations.

What Prince?

Ores are quoted daily on the stock exchange. However, we sell our ores below the exchange value.

What should I as an importer do?

You must be in good standing in your home country.

What is the taxation to import?

Exporting in Brazil is exempt.

It is only necessary to pay import tariffs and taxes in the country receiving the products.

Governments relieve tax charges on exported products, seeking to create competitiveness in foreign markets. This happens through the elimination of taxes, including those levied on inputs, but which are incorporated into the final products.

This competitiveness in the international market is created by fiscal and tax incentives offered by the Government and the State. These benefits are intended to eliminate taxes on products in normal domestic market operations.

The following taxes are not collected in an export transaction: IPI, ICMS, COFINS, PIS and IOF.

There is also the Export Tax (IE). However, it is only charged for those products in which the Brazilian government has no interest in exporting, which drastically reduces its incidence. For all the rest, the rate of this tax is 0% (zero).

Import is subject to ...

Importing products from Brazil requires long-term planning, adapting the product to the local requirements of the importing market, and the dollar will not always be favorable. And when this happens, it will still be necessary to keep the contracted payments.


Cripurizão, Pará, Brazil


Mon to Fri: 08am to 06pm
Sat: 08am to 12am
Bélem Time GMT -3